Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Nested WHEN-IF condition functionality?


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>









<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>


How to kill Service instance (Particular integration like TEST) in server?

Initially we have to check, how many solutions/integrations are running on that particular machine.

ps -ef | grep 'bwengine' à this will give all running service details to us.

ps -ef | grep 'bwengine' | grep TEST à this will give TEST application details like PROCESS-ID

Otherwise in admin itself we’ll check the port (PROCESS-ID) on which the service is running

ps -ef | grep <PROCESS-ID>
Eg: ps -ef | grep 11435

Use below cmd to kill that process instance in server level,

kill -9 <PROCESS-ID>

How to make Service (Particular integration like TEST) UP in server?

Application Location pathà <install_dir>/tibco/tra/domain/<DomainName>/application

Then we have to open specific integration like TEST


Once we’ll open that folder, it is combination of .tra and .sh files

We have to run .sh files using below cmd


Eg: ./TEST.sh

How to make HAWK UP in server?

HAWK Location pathà <install_dir>/tibco/tra/domain/<DomainName>

Command to UP hawkagentà ./hawkagent_<HawkagentName>

Scenario: If hawkagent_<HawkagentName>.sh file is missing in server, because of that HAWK/MACHINES will be go DOWN in admin

Solution: In that scenario we have to create hawkagent_<HawkagentName>.sh file using below command
vi hawkagent_<HawkagentName>.sh
then write below script,

nohup <install_dir>/tibco/tra/domain/<>/hawkagent_<> &

then use :wq! this cmd to save and come out of that script file.

Cmd to read that scriptà cat/less/more/tail hawkagent_<HawkagentName>.sh

Command to run hawkagentà ./hawkagent_<HawkagentName>

...permission denied error you might get if you are not belongs to that perticular admin group.

Super user alone has those permissions.

Note: If you are super user then using below cmd we’ll run that script file.

chmod 777 hawkagent_<HawkagentName>.sh


Sunday, 29 May 2016

How to resolve error BW-JAVA-100000 Compile Error?

      • We have to put the supporting jar files in TIBCO_HOME/bw/version/lib folder and then restart our TIBCO designer.

      • We have to compare JRE version in both bwengine.tra and designer.tra

      • Max, whenever both .tra files jre version mismatch may cause the compilation error.
      • Otherwise simply go to EDIT class in TIBCO designer, cut and paste the same java code and then compile it. Sometimes this will help us to resolve that compilation issue.

            Monday, 16 May 2016

            How to resolve “Failed to load shared library, library name: adb55.dll” in TIBCO

            ADB Adapter “Failed to load shared library” Error?
            When starting an Adapter Service from the TIBCO Designer Adapter Tester, you might encounter this error: “Failed to load shared library, library name: adb55.dll”.
            Fix this error with the following steps:
            1. Open up C:\WINDOWS\system32.
            2. Open up the TIBCO RV home directory (it might be C:\tibco\tibrv\8.1\bin).
            3. Copy the libeay32.dll and the ssleay32.dll from the TIBCO RV home directory to the system32 directory.
            4. Say yes if you are prompted to replace the files.
            Restart your TIBCO Designer and try again.