BW-JMS-100005 process initialization failed for TEST.process
caused by: Initialization error in [TEST.process/JMS Queue Requestor]
caused by: Could not create connection with JMS server.[ Queue Connection Factory = QueueConnectionFactory
JNDI Context URL = tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222
JNDI Context Factory = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory
caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name not found: 'QueueConnectionFactory'
If you are using Tibco JMS for the first time, you need to create GenericConnectionFactory , QueueConnectionFactory and TopicConnectionFactory in EMS Administrative Tool. Make sure you add special character ">" in your ems queues.conf and topic.conf files.
Command to create Generic:
create factory GenericConnectionFactory generic URL=tcp://7222
Command to create Queue:
create factory QueueConnectionFactory queue URL=tcp://7222
Command to create Topic:
create factory TopicConnectionFactory topic URL=tcp://7222
caused by: Initialization error in [TEST.process/JMS Queue Requestor]
caused by: Could not create connection with JMS server.[ Queue Connection Factory = QueueConnectionFactory
JNDI Context URL = tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222
JNDI Context Factory = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory
caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name not found: 'QueueConnectionFactory'
If you are using Tibco JMS for the first time, you need to create GenericConnectionFactory , QueueConnectionFactory and TopicConnectionFactory in EMS Administrative Tool. Make sure you add special character ">" in your ems queues.conf and topic.conf files.
Command to create Generic:
create factory GenericConnectionFactory generic URL=tcp://7222
Command to create Queue:
create factory QueueConnectionFactory queue URL=tcp://7222
Command to create Topic:
create factory TopicConnectionFactory topic URL=tcp://7222
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