Thursday, 7 July 2016

How to create Web Service in TIBCO?

1  How to create Web Service in TIBCO:

1.1  Step1 (Transport Configuration)

To create web service in any application transportation is mandatory. TIBCO supports both HTTP and JMS transportation.


In real time it’s mandatory we have to provide Username and PWD to connect with JMS and JNDI.





1.2  Step2 (Schema/XSD Creation)

Create schema according to client request and response.


1.3  Step3 (Abstract WSDL Creation)

Create Abstract WSDL, which is combination of req/input, res/otput and operation (SOAP action) not the transportation.










1.4  Step4 (Service Creation)

Create service from Abstract WSDL



In location, you’ll give path where you want to generate service.



Once service is generated by WSDL, automatically it creates default process definition which has start and end tags alone.

According to your requirement you’ll implement your code in that empty Process definition.


We have to check operations and EndPointbinding tags.


Operationsà includes all operations which we created in WSDL


EndPointbindingà if we are using JMS connection as transportation then it’s mandatory to provide JMS destination on which queue/topic we are pushing our request.



SOAP Actionà gives operations which we implemented during service creation.







1.5  Step5 (Create & Save Concrete WSDL from service WSDL source)

Then we need to save Concrete WSDL from WSDL source to use it as client as well as reusability purpose.



1.6  Step6 (Import Concrete WSDL)

Import WSDL where ever you want to use that service as client.


In designer, projectàimport resources from file, folder, URL…








1.7  Step7 (Client Creation)

Using SOAP Request Reply activity, we’ll create client to send request to make web service call.


Then in configuration tag, browse service which service we want to hit and do test connection to check connection established successfully or not.


In input tag we have to configure our request

2  TEST Results:

Client (SOAP Req/Rly)                                         Server



Scenario: I have ID, empCode as input and empStatus as Output.

My requirement is, If empCode=’ABC-234’ then empStatus=’Active’ otherwise ‘Inactive’

2.1  Active Scenario:

Input & Output:


Common Service process:


2.2  Inactive Scenario:

Input & Output:





Common Service Process:





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